When things don't get done and kids refuse to do what they need to do then you definitely need to make a chore chart! After a long year of "clean that up!" and "why are your dirty clothes on the floor?" was driving me totally up the wall. So I needed to implement a chore chart and everyday it gets changed to a different task so they won't get bored. The chore cards are laminated and no I don't have a laminator so I use the business card laminator and just use my trusty iron and a shirt to laminate (leave pressed on for 30 seconds). They have each an individual card that I will whole punch after all chores of the day are completed. Once their Chore card is fully punched they will receive a card from the rewards with specific rewards for doing a job well done. I don't believe in giving children an allowance for doing household chores. I believe in giving them positive rewards so they can grow up not thinking that everything is about receiving money. Here's the results to my little project. Hope it inspires others to also create a chore chart for their little ones. p.s mommy can always use the extra help around the house!

ready to laminate!
completed result below
the kids chore card are ready to be punched!
a close up of their chores for the day
below I have enclosed a chore card and the printables I used that I didnt create.
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