Sunday, June 8, 2014

Seven months later....

Kay is now 7 months and is the cutest lil thing. Im so happy and glad that she fought death fiercely.

Im also shocked that I stuck it out with the cloth diapers. I love em. Im even considering making her some!

I have a sewing machine so why not right!
I was even thinking of making cloth diapers for her cuz the pul fabric is cheaper then an actual diaper!

Im just nervous that I'll mess it up! 
I mean if I just give it one try it shouldn't be that bad right? 

Sorry for the simple blog post. 

Thank you to all my readers also for coming to read what I do and what ive done so far since she's come around. 

Xo, Vanessa

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Home made laundry detergent

ISo I had couponed a bunch of laundry detergent but after seeing the cost and being as I have a very big family plus cloth diaper my lil kay, I decided to make my own. There's the liquid and the powder but I prefer the powder because it will last me much LONGER!  So I got all the supplies at walmart. The painrwrs bucket and lid to mix it in and store it. Then I got a cutw plastic container with a scoop. With powder all u need is one scoop per load so I bought the coffee scoop also at walmart.
I cute the zote bar of soap and grated it in my ninja blender. 
I poured half or the borax half lf the super washing soda and half of the baking soda and mixed it all in. The pjt half of the zote. I used a wisk and then poured alll the remains and mixed it again.  Then had to dig my hang into the batch and break up any clumps.
Boom in less than 30 mins I have about 6 months worth of laundry detergent.  Cost with all the extra materials was about 35 bucks.
The photos are below. Enjoy and remember theres no shame in being frugal!