Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Kay's 1st Birhday Party!

I never thought this day would come where my precious lil figher would have made it and be here to celebrate her first birthday.
At first we had this big bash planned in NYC but due to the husbands schedule it wasn't possible so I had to cancel her cake that I had order from @CCXCD  (instagram gofollow her please) whch in turn made me feel so terrible because one she's a friend and two it's hard runnng an at home business tryng to support a family,

I still decorated not very much the day of her birthday and got her her own personalized huge cupcake for her to smash into (which she did't) and a regular cake for us,

Later, a good friend of mine who has now turned into one of my best friends in such little time DEE told me she deserved a party and volunteered to be her god mother of water which is the spanish tradition that people who do santeria (with craft) do but I dont practice it! I just did it to give her that honor ]because I am a true christian threw and threw. She has her original GOD parents but they couldn't make it to the baptism.

Back to Kay's brthday, I searched Pinterest and decided I needed to do something different and not a generic party. I opted for the sing song "you are my sunshine" which I sang to her while he was in the NICU and because it is the same song my sister in law Zizi (not her real name for privacy) sang to her oldest in the NICU as well. So I wanted a piece of them with us especially since they live in a different state.

Let me tell you how PINTEREST is amazing and I could have been one of those let me just print this crap out type of moms but nope! I sat there and created her banner and other little stif  my cricut machine (which is the best machine ever and cant wait to upgrade to the Expressions one.

I had chocolate number 1 lollipops done by @BYPOISINIV (follow on instagram) and  I was grateful for her donation and she even did KAY in the flavor of cake batter which I kept for myself so me and Kaylee can enjoy together.

Below are some of my favorite photos. Enjoy!

Lily @ the candy/gift table

The background. Banner said you are my sunshine. Used a wooden letter kay and also cut out lil sun bursts from the cricut. Used a long rectangle tabe close to aceent it and made yellow bows so you wouldnt notice the tape (always try to hide those) & used the kind of ribbon you use for balloons to twirl it and have it hanging for a pink accent.

Her table before the cake. Her name in chocolate done by @bypoisiniv via instagram thank you once again for the donation. i placed flowers around the able and one in a vase with rock. Then  found that print out on PINTEREST 

another close up

  I used  a basker for the lollipopsand wrapperd a ribbon arond it. also place anoter vase with a floer on it. The treat bags I wanted them in yelllow but couldn't find em sosettled for pink. Again I cut out the K via my cricut and decided that her age ONE should be on clouds. Placed a newborn photo I had taken when I started photogtaphy of her with her father's police hat and badge.

Notice the bird cage? I cut out a bird on a swing from my cricut as well.
Remember its the lil things that counts to make things POP.

Kay loves our friend David who always shows support and love forher.

side view of the tabe

chicken wing bar by steven. hot sauce,  bbq and regular and they were delicious and ALL gone.

Kay enjoying some rice.

Franie & Dee kay's 2nd God parents

me &my baby and i couldnt get a good picture with her because she was wired.

table with the cake that dee & frankie bought

all the kids with the bithday girl Kay & I LOVE this photo of all the silliness and happiness in it.

Frankie & Dee had the honor to blow out her frist year birthday candle

She got th first cut of the cake of course

Yummy cake!

I am glad that Dee has nothing but genuine love for kay.

Dee's daughters and Lily in the middle.

Kay got surprised by her original and first god mother thats why she looks confused because they havent seen eachother in a fewweeks.

Kay's christian church god parents Grace and Jay.

That is all hope you enjoyed the photos and the lil ideas that you can use if you use this theme
Take care 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Clean mama!

I know I haven't been on to post due to life getting hectic and I'm beginning to focus more on my new baby who's now 1 years old! Yay! She's a very happy and intelligent baby and has me with my hands super full. 

But the reason why I decided to blog is because I found a wonderful Facebook and Instagram called clean mama. 

Her Instagram daily posts of what needs to be done daily to keep your house in order and not overwhelm you. I had done my own schedule and I will be truthfully honest hers is way better! I really like how easy she breaks down cleaning to make it easier and she even has a printable on her facebook that she posts in the beginning of the month so you won't lose track which is amazing! 

So if you're a hectic mama and those goes nuts cleaning the whole house in one day STOP! Go to clean mama on your facebook or Instagram and so what she posts and you will see how easier life will be. 

Stay tuned because I will post more on here about sites, makeup. Baby things and life in general with a now toddler. 

I have my stay sight up and running and will continue to pray that God makes it flourish into a popular store and can help me financially especially during the holidays. 

God blessed, Vanessa