Thursday, March 27, 2014

My collage wall

After two days of working on putting the final pieces together on my collage wall, it finally happened. Even with a teething 4 month old and a bunch of cabin fevered kids, I accomplished it. My good friend Sheila helped so much on putting it all together after I had painted and put everything together onto the canvas and frames. I'm eternally grateful for her wisdom and input, if not I wouldn't have ever accomplished it and it would still all be sitting in the box from when I had purchased it all. Can you believe this all came from a thrift store? Best believe it did! Minus the canvas which I got on a sale at Michael's Craft Store, everything else was repurposed.

With a lil paint and spray paint and some imagination this all came together in more ways than I could have ever expected. Enjoy the photographs.

Xo, Vanessa

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring time

Spring is tomorrow. Even though the weather is gloomy and rainy I decided it was a great day to do Kay's spring photos. I used my new cricut machine for the banner I hang in my dining room and used it for the props even though lil Kay wanted nothing more than to chew it all. Im glad I invested in this machine! Enjoy the photos. Xo, Vanessa.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lily's Thrift Store Challenge

Me and my friend Sheila just love the thrift store. Both our daughters came along with us on our final thrift store stop when we were thrifting for my new house decor to repurpose. If you're wondering what I could possibly be having in mind, well just stay tuned because we will be making a collage wall for my living room and hallway. That post will come up later once we repurpose everything and finish gathering up the materials needed for that project.

Okay back to Lily's Thrift store challenge. I gave her 20 dollars and told her to pick out as many clothings as she could with 20 that she liked. My daughter is very into skirts (just like me!) so she knew exactly what she wanted when she saw it. Here are the photos below of all the cute things she found.

I even found three very cute outfits for Kay. I cant wait till she can wear em.

Remember to always wash your thrift store finds!

Kays Thrift Store Clothes. All total under $5.00

Lily's retro dress I found when she wasn't with me for $4.00

Lily's Finds

Lily's Finds

All This box is from the thrift store! Stay tuned for my collage wall and more updates on the new home.

xo, Vanessa. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

On turning 31

I am officially 31 years old. I didn't want a big show off or party or even acknowledgement due to so much going on personally and with in my family. Husband got me a chocolate devils cake and I had ordered some macarons from crystal again. (  With my moms current situation I really wasn't up for the celebration mood and the craziness with the move oh don't get me started on that! Currently we will be officially moved in by sunday but now a snow storm is coming. The madness of a storm in march and during a move is really weighing heavy on my body with my fibromyalgia. Im trying very hard not to let it be too overwhelming but its easier said then done. Before even begins and we make this Change I will say a little prayer and hope that the Lord gives me the strength I need in every way possible.

What I hope to accomplish at 31....? Im hoping I can have more family time and more fun adventures with the kids. I'm also hoping to further expansion the blogs horizons.

Thank you all for the support in coming over to the blog and reading it. It means so much more to me then you know.

Enjoy the tidbits of photos I have attached to this blog of my birthday. I will later do a blog about the move with tips on how I managed it with a 4 Month old and 3 children, can forget the dog!

Xo, Vanessa