Sunday, April 27, 2014

DIY Kitchen Decor

Since I moved I've been pretty much inspired by everything PINTEREST. I saw these utensils in a frame and said to myself I so definitely want that in my new kitchen. So during my thrifty trips to the thrift shops I held on to this frame exclusively for the purpose of my kitchen after I completed the wall collage with my good friend Sheila.

The kitchen sign I found in the clearance section of a store called JOMAR and the utensil on it was broken so I just used a baby spoon and spray painted it and with some hot glue BAM it was fixed and ready to go on my wall. Enjoy the steps by steps and I hope to have inspired others to think outside the box when it comes to seeing something at the thrift store and for decor of your home.

 I used poster board for the back of the frame measured it and basically cut it out with a box cutter.

 Here are the utensils spray painted.

 This was the thrift store frame before I had painted it blue.

 I used a sponge to give the white poster board a little bit of an artistic touch and plus I love the sponge paint look a lot.

 This is how it looks all hung up on my wall.

 Close up!

xo, Vanessa

Monday, April 21, 2014

Traditional easter basket hunt

Hello, easter just passed and I would like to share my family tradition. Ever since I saw it on a blog two years ago I've been doing it with my own spin to it of course. First you can make as many steps to try to make em find the location. Which is basically like check the tub or look under the bed. And upon the second to last clue write you're almost close! Put where to go next and bam they find their basket in a secret spot.
Here's the photos and hope it inspires others for next year to make the basket giving part just a little more interesting. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Repurposed Baby Formula Can To a Wipe Container

My latest quick baby project is super cute and easy that just anyone can do it!
I save my daughters formula cans because you just never know when you might need em.
Low and behold I needed a wipes container since the box of pampers wipes that came in the mail weren't resealable and having them in a ziplock bag wasn't making me happy at all!

I put my thinking cap on and was like OMG I can use the formula can to place the wipes in em!
Mind you I did this without the help of PINTEREST. Ha, I feel real proud right now. And I hope other mommies that have this trouble can find my solution and redo what I did.

Below are the photos with some details. ENJOY!

Empty Formula Can.


Used cardstock paper to wrap the can. Some ribbon for decoration. Vinyl for the sign.

Cut an X slit on the top enough for the wipes to pull threw and NOT dry out.

Finished Product!

Note:Only half of the wipes fit in the can so place the other half in a ziplock air tight bag so you can refill this can once you are running low.

Kay's baby station. Doesn't it look great and pretty next to her bins of CLOTH DIAPERS!?

Hope everyone enjoyed this post.

Monday, April 14, 2014

New Etsy Shop

I'm proud to announce that I have officially opened my Etsy shop. I will take custom banner orders for any and all occasions.  I also do canvas art work with your home state and you can add wording or a date if you please. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions via my etsy shop.

I'm hoping this will help with my growing family financially.

Visit the shop & have a blessed day.
