Saturday, April 18, 2015

Kay's 18 Month old Update

Hello lovelies! I know I haven't been blogging very much and it's because well, my lupus has been kicking my read like no other. I don't know if it's due to the weather change or is it because baby Kay has been more active then ever but let's just say boy do I need a nice spa day or a day to myself to rest. I'm glad I got a day last weekend when hubby was off that he took the kids to visit family and I was able to stay home due to still recovering from a cold and flare up I just didn't feel right visiting any one especially when there is babies around. Me as a mom wouldn't want anyone coming to visit my home sick to spread their germs so I just thought it wasn't appropriate. Who else thinks this? I really hope I'm not the only mom who thinks oh my goodness germs!!!

I'm hoping that as Kay almost enters her second year in less then 6 months that she calms down a tiny bit. She really is a handful but such a delight too! I feel like she hit the terrible twos early! Is that even possible? My other 3 never really had terrible twos so this is new to me. It's true what they say that no child is alike and Kay has brought on a totally different parent experience into our lives. She's lovable but stubborn. She's expressive and demanding. Hubby says it's because she's me and I laugh because she has all my little traits meshed with his and I can't help but to stare at her and think wow this lil girl really is a blessing and to think she almost passed during her birth.

Everyday we sit and try to practice some letters and words on her lil writing tab that she likes to draw on. Then I pick two books and read to her and leave them for her to flip threw once we are done. So I really try to incorporate some time with her everyday no matter how much pain I am in. She loves to sit and watch me cook and if I'm in the kitchen or daddy in the kitchen she's right there in the mix! She doesn't like to sit a lone during dinner even if it is in her own table and chair so Lily or Ethan tend to take turns to sit with her which is really sweet! The older kids are super helpful with her and love to play and spend time with her. I didn't doubt them and knew they wouldn't be jealous even though they are older and there was another person taking a bit of time away from them and I am glad. They all stick together and are very loving despite their lil petty arguments over the Xbox which is typical at their age.

 So I hope you enjoy this little 18 months update of Kay! I am now in the works of trying to see wether to do a blues clues theme or a Mickey club house theme since those are the two shows she's currently obsessing over. Im going to keep it small again and let it just be us and close friends. I guess when October comes around we can really know what theme I went with, stay tuned for that in my future blog! Take care and stay blessed!

 Xo, Vanessa

Monday, April 6, 2015

Recipe Updates

I am feeling super under the weather but that's not stopping me from continuing on this blog challenge I have dove into to help improve my blogging. And with my new latest addiction of planning and what not I am able to be more in tune to my blog then before. It's helpful when here are those times when I feel like I have nothing to write about but now I just open my brain dump and look for all the topics I have jotted and it gives me a sudden wind of inspiration. I am content with it all.

These are previous recipes but I will try to post more once I am officially well and not still having a stuffy nose and headache baring down on me. I have posted that got lost in the shuffle of hardly being read. Hope if you try any of my recipes that you tag me on instagram @fourxblessed.

Stay blessed, Vanessa.

p.s don't forget to peep at my youtube for all my planner videos :)  My Youtube